Yay, I got rid of the peut-etre words! I'm a very happy girl right now. Well, at least for a while.
Anyways, it's 12th December 2012! Which you put it another way, it's 12.12.12. What's so special about the date? Honestly, I don't know. I just see people tweeting all about it so... Monkey see, monkey do I guess? Heh. But seriously guys, it's just a date that just look a little nicer! 11/12/12 is also a nice date too, isn't it?
I've always loved December because... I just love it? Ok, that was a really stupid answer. But yeah, honestly, I just love Decembers a lot. Also, my birthday happens to fall in December!!! Which will soon mark me another year older to adulthood. Ugh I really hate the thought of that! I just want to stay 18 :(
Can I, Santa?